Many players will not notice that the ten and nine of spades in dummy are as good as the ace and king, but
they are, and you can use them to draw the outstanding trumps after you have used enough high trumps in your hand
to shorten your spades to fewer than in the dummy.
The opponents take the first two hearts and you ruff the third one. Be sure you ruff with a high spade because
you will need the 7 later as an entry to the high spades in dummy.
Lead a small club and duck, giving up your third trick. no matter what they play next you are in control.
Do you see that you have enough entries to ruff two more clubs with high trumps?
after that you play a high trump and then the 7 to go to dummy for the last two trumps.
Count your tricks... Three ruffs in your hand with high trumps, a high spade in your hand and two more in the
dummy. That's six spade tricks.
You also get three diamond tricks and the ace of clubs for a total of ten tricks. Congratulations, you might
have just gotten an average when the rookies all played for a 3-3 diamond split and it worked. No, bridge is
not fair, but you played it well.