Pasadena Bridge Club 649 N. Fair Oaks Ave #201
Upstairs above the pizza shop
Mojo Jones 626 247-4457 Zach Vedro 626 215-5080
Full Schedule Open Games Monday-Saturday
11:00 AM M-F 1:00 PM Saturday
Regency Bridge Club 201 E. Colorado St, Glendale
Adam Barron 323 318-4308
Thursday 12:30
Social Duplicate Game Arcadia Community Center - 50¢
Marie Nimmrich 626 448-3304
Wednesday 9:30 Friday 1:00
Mojo Jones 626 247-4457 Unit Game Director
1st & 3rd Sunday 12:30 Pasadena Bridge CLub
Unit Game Dates Below
Election Party - Mar 2
Mar 16
Apr 6
Our unit games are held twice a month, usually on
the first and third Sundays, and both games are held
at the Pasadena Bridge Club. - Game time is 12:30
Be sure to call Miriam Harrington for a reservation: 626 232-0558
Roy Wilson 626 340-9575 --
If you use Text Messaging...TEXT ME! Roy
You will learn more by losing to good players
than you will by winning against poor players
Stray Words of Wisdom A Different Invitation to Slam
There are times when it is not easy to ask about aces, especially in competitive auctions, but there is an agreement that
can help... A bid at the 5-level is often a question..."Partner, do you have anything extra that I am not already
aware of?" You might have a void or a singleton ace for example, or mabye you have a solid side suit. When
you have more than what partner is aware of, you can bid the slam.
For example, Your LHO opens with a preemptive 3!s call and your partner doubles. It's easy to bid 4!h with
either of the hands below, but you have no aces. Maybe partner has a diamond void or all four aces... Either way
he might not want to use Blackwood. (It's not the only tool in the toolbox!)
What would you bid if partner raised you to 5!h?
The raise to the 5-level is a very broad question... it asks if you have anything interesting about you hand. Now that
you uderstand the question it's easy to bid either hand, right?
Isn't this an easy game?
ACBL -wide Charity Game... Tomorrow, Tuesday
The masterpoints are really big, and the proceeds will be going to the ACBL charities. Bot are good reasons to play!
Our Unit Game is Sunday, April 6
You need a reservation, so call Miriam! 626 232-0558
Garden Grove Sectional
This is where you get those silver points...
April 3-5
San Diego Regional
There's a tournament down in San Diego...
That means Red and Gold points for those of you need them. April 14-20.
District 22 Newsletter
Interesting bridge stuff from District 22 ...
BBO and the ACBL
BBO is an ACBL-sanctioned bridge club, which means you can earn ACBL Masterpoints in any
of the ACBL-sanctioned games.
Whether you're new to the ACBL community or already a member, you can join these games and track your progress.
About ACBL Games on BBO
Sanctioned Games: The ACBL games issue ACBL Masterpoints and are open to everyone. ACBL membership
is not required
for most games, except for limited games (0-20, 0-299, 0-499)
Entry Fee:
All sanctioned games have an entry fee in BB$. And if you are a new player you can take
advantage of a one time BB$i
special where you can buy 5 BB$ for only 0.99 USD.
ACBL Open Chart conventions are used in most games. For limited games, the Basic Chart applies.
Game Types
There are loads of different games to chose from and many of them are free. (Games that award masterpoints have
a modest fee.)
Special Events:
You can play in most of the special events on special BBO, and many of them are free.
iThe masterpoints you earn are reported monthly to ACBL headquarters and visible on the ACBL website
soon after. Keep in mind
that online Masterpoints are colorless but count for rank advancement just like traditional points.
If youi are not yet an ACBL member,
you can create your account here. Once registered, you can add your membership number here. Any
Masterpoints earned will be
added to your ACBL account every month.
Happy bridging!
The BBO Team
PS - for ACBL-related inquiries, please contact us directly on
Unit Historian:
Do you have an old photo or other memorbilia from our past that you can share with us? Please contact Mike and
let him make a copy.
Mike Marcucci
818 903-2471
Pasadena-San Gabriel Unit 559
Our unit is one of nine in District 23 and we are sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League.
We have an elected board of 12 members that meets monthly and is responsible for unit games, our Holiday party
and the annual John Waken sectional.
How to Find Our Virtual Club on the BBO Website
Our unit members can play in a virtual club game set up by Mojo and Paula...
When you log on, you are at the Home screen. Click on Competitive and then click on All Tournaments.
There's a Search Box at the top, on the right. Simply type in a few letters or numbers that will help identify
what you are looking for: 23 is sufficient for District 23, and 559 is enough for Unit 559.
You can use either the abbreviated Pasa or 559 for our virtual club.
Use this link if you would like to see the convention card used by the BBO robots.
Unit 559 Membership Report
Ranks are updated quarterly after the 7th of the month.
The link on the left will take you
to the ACBL website where you
will find the official requirements
for each rank.
Unit 559 Active Members
Click the rank below for a list
Master Points
No color points needed
No color points needed
No color points needed
50+ 5+ silver points
100+ 15+ silver points
and 5+ gold points
200+ 25+ silver
and 20+ red/gold/platinum
(5 must be gold or platinum)
300+ 50+ silver
and 50+ red/gold/platinum
(25 must be gold or platinum)
500+ 75+ silver
and 100+ red/gold/platinum
(50 must be gold or platinum)
750+ Life Master with
at least 750 points
1000+ Life Master with
at least 1000 points
(200+ must be silver/red/gold/platinum)
1500+ Life Master with
at least 1500 points
(300+ must be silver/red/gold/platinum)
2500+ Life Master with
at least 2500 points
(500+ must be silver/red/gold/platinum)
3500+ Life Master with
at least 3500 points
700+ silver/red/gold/platinum (350+ must be gold or platinum)
5000+ Life Master with
at least 5000 points
1000+ silver/red/gold/platinum (500+ must be gold or platinum)
7500+ Life Master with
at least 7500 points
1500+ silver/red/gold/platinum (750+ must be gold or platinum)
10,000+ Life Master with
at least 10,000 points
2000+ silver/red/gold/platinum (1000+ must be gold or platinum)
10,000+ Life Master with
at least 10,000 points
2000+ silver/red/gold/platinum (1000+ must be gold or platinum)
Must have a victory in an eligble event
March Total Membership 342
Status Change for our Members updated each month in the first week
Transferred Out
Augie Hess
Oxnard CA
Yvonne Schimmel
Sunland CA
Advanced in Rank - 2
Stephen Wright
Junior Master
Paulette Burkitt
Advanced NABC Master
Since June 16, 2016 --
You are Visitor Number 671181
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